Celebrating Our 23rd Anniversary
When John proposed to me in the summer of 1992 in Philly between our first and second years of grad school, we didn't capture it with a selfie, or videotape the moment. But, because John was nervous he would forget what he wanted to say, he wrote down his proposal and...

Christmas 2015
Season’s Greetings! Last week I saw the Broadway musical If/Then, which explores how the choices we make and the roads not taken can change the path in our lives. That idea has always intrigued me. What if I didn’t meet this person, what if I took this job, etc. ...

Christmas 2014
Season’s Greetings! Rain is coming down in buckets. It is a welcome sight and sound that has us in California singing an appropriate and timely Hallelujah. The dramatic pictures of the drought bring to mind the phrase “You can never have too much…” when it comes to...

Christmas 2013
Season’s Greetings! Maturity. It has been our family theme this year. Everyone has been maturing in various ways – whether moving closer to adulthood (Jeffrey), experiencing the trials and tribulations of early teenage life like a coming-of-age movie (Eva), waiting...

Christmas 2012
Season’s Greetings! This has been a year of refocusing and coming together for our family. For several years, our days have been about getting each child to their activity; coordinating so that they get there on time, with the appropriate paraphernalia, while we try...

Christmas, 2011
Season’s Greetings! This is the time I sit back and reflect on the past year. Although part of me dreads adding this task to my bottomless list, I always step away from the finished letter feeling deeply grateful. These holiday letters started out as...

Christmas, 2010
Season’s Greetings! As I look back on this past year, I am grateful for all the moments we have had together as a family. Some of them have been big, some of them small, with those little moments often being the most meaningful. Jeffrey is 12½, in...

Christmas, 2009
Season’s Greetings! For those who have been receiving our letters for years (some of you for 16 years), I know what you’re thinking: “Where’s the beach?” This is the first time in 9 years we haven’t taken our holiday...

Christmas, 2008
Season’s Greetings! This has been a year of transformation for our family. All four kids are at the same elementary school – one drop off and by 8:15am the house is quiet. The kitchen, which used to look like the set of Iron Chef at any given time of day, is now my...

Christmas, 2007
Happy Holidays! It’s been a year to remember – a year of firsts and a year of life lessons. On with the update… Jeffrey is 9 ½ and in 4th grade. Sports and guitar are still his passions. Each year I am more aware that the...